Massey-Rader Debate 1982

Louisville, KY
May 10, 11, 13, 14, 1982

Kenneth W. Massey (Missionary Baptist)
Donnie V. Rader (Church of Christ)

“The Scriptures teach that water baptism is for (in order to obtain) the remission of past sins.”
Affirm: Donnie V. Rader
Deny: Kenneth W. Massey
MP3 Format: Each file is approx. 110 MB and about 2 hours each
Session 1 – Monday Night (May 10)
Session 2 – Tuesday Night (May 11)
“The Scriptures teach that one is saved before and without water baptism.”
Affirm: Kenneth W. Massey
Deny: Donnie V. Rader
MP3 Format: Each file is approx. 110 MB and about 2 hours each
Session 3 – Thursday Night (May 13)
Session 4 – Friday Night (May 14)
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